Extraordinary Veterinary Care Keeps Our Rescues Healthy

Preventative and emergency veterinary care are always a priority at Peaceful Acres Horses, by becoming a Veterinary Care Sponsor you are helping to secure the health & wellness of a rescued horse, mini, mule or donkey at the sanctuary.

Extraordinary Veterinary Care Keeps Our Rescues Healthy  image

Peaceful Acres Horses' rescued horses, minis, mules and donkeys are thriving at the sanctuary because of the generosity of our dedicated volunteer caregiver team and the generosity of our loyal contributors. We serve as a home - safe - loving home to 72 rescued equines who had once been the victims of animal cruelty or at risk of being sent to slaughter in Canada or Mexico.

These precious equines have come to know only compassion that is poured out to them by all of our wonderful volunteers, they know unconditional love, and that is one of our top priorities at PAH. The other top priority is making sure that none of our rescues go without having the exceptional veterinary care they need and deserve from Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital in Saratoga Springs.

Many of our rescues came to PAH in an emaciated - starved condition. Their bodies were weak and often the emaciation led to prolonged metabolic conditions and lingering behavioral conditions regarding food and sometimes fear of people. Consistency in quality of their care and regular veterinary checkups, immunizations and dental floats are all essential to their overall wellness.

At Peaceful Acres Horses we do not sacrifice what is the base veterinary needs for all or our rescues yearly. Each of our horses, minis, mules and donkeys require 2 things from their veterinarian annually and we are asking you to help us to keep our promises by sponsoring one (or more) of our rescues veterinary care.

For as little as $225 you can sponsor a dental float - horses need dental work done yearly to prevent sharp points on their teeth or abnormalities that make chewing hay and grain difficult. An equine who has difficulty chewing can't consume the needed calories to sustain a good body condition, overtime the horse becomes malnourished.

Keeping our recues healthy and free from illness or diseases requires annual immunizations that their veterinarian at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital provides. This low - cost preventative care is necessary to reduce the chance of our rescues becoming ill or needing emergency care. Your sponsorship of only $350 per year will help guard the rescue of your choice from getting ill from something that is preventable.

Your one-time or monthly contribution will help Peaceful Acres Horses to afford to have the necessary veterinary care provided for each of our rescues.

PAH's Emergency Veterinary Fund is also vitally important. As we all know emergencies happen; injuries, colic or eye related infections (Uveitis) all require an emergency visit from their veterinarian. By contributing to this fund you are helping PAH to be proactive in paying these unexpected emergency costs. Please consider making a one-time charitable contribution of $500 towards the Emergency Veterinary Fund.

Please visit our website to choose the rescue you wish to sponsor:


We sure do appreciate your dedication and generosity!

~ Nanci Beyerl, MSW / Founder and Executive Director

